Legal notices

1. Publisher Information

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5. Photo Credits


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The Publisher may modify these terms at any time by updating this site. These changes bind you, and we recommend regularly checking this site to stay informed of the current terms and conditions.

8. Insurance and Financial Guarantee

The professional activity of each notary in the office is covered by liability insurance taken out with Mutuelle du Mans assurances département professions libérales, 14 bld Marie et Alexandre Oyon, 72030 Le Mans Cedex 9. Information on the MMA insurance contract can be obtained from the broker La Sécurité Nouvelle, 81 rue Taitbout, 75009 Paris, tel.: 01 53 20 50 50.

9. Applicable Professional Rules

The notaries' activity is mainly regulated by Ordinance No. 45-2590 of November 2, 1945, Decree No. 45-0117 of December 19, 1945, Decree No. 71-941 of November 26, 1971, Decree No. 71-942 of November 26, 1971, Decree No. 73-1202 of December 28, 1973, Decree No. 78-262 of April 8, 1978, the National Regulations of Notaries, and the Inter-Court Regulations of Notaries.

10. Consumer Mediation - Art L 616-1 and R 616-1 of the Consumer Code

If a dispute with a notary remains unresolved, you have the option to contact the Notary Mediator Mé


Postal address: 60 boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris, to attempt, with their assistance, to find an amicable resolution to the conflict.