Personal data

Personal Data Protection Policy

Respecting your privacy, the protection of personal data is one of our major concerns.

This policy aims to provide you with concise and relevant information regarding the processing of personal data for the implementation of the website: Prisme Office.


Personal Data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable person directly or indirectly (hereinafter referred to as "data" or "personal data").

Personal Data Processing: any operation involving personal data, such as collection, recording, extraction, modification, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "processing" or "personal data processing").

Data Subjects: any natural person whose personal data is processed (hereinafter referred to as "you," "your," or "data subjects").

Data Controller: a natural or legal person who determines the purpose and means of processing.

Data Protection Officer: a person designated by the data controller to, among other things, monitor compliance with regulations, serve as the point of contact for questions regarding the rights of data subjects, and cooperate with the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL).

Cookies: computer files (trackers) deposited and read, in particular, following the consultation of a website, the reading of an email, the use of an application, or software, regardless of the terminal used.

Data Controller

The notarial office, the data controller for personal data processing related to external communication within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, is committed to implementing appropriate measures to protect your personal data.

Basis and Purpose of Personal Data Processing

The processing of personal data is based on the legitimate interest of the data controller in facilitating exchanges and ensuring communication with the general public.

Your personal data is processed for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring the proper functioning and improvement of the website/portal, services, and features offered;
  • Ensuring the security of the website;
  • Publishing content for the general public;
  • Providing the online service related to contact management.

Additional services and/or features based on the execution of a contract (or pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject) are also offered.

The data processing carried out in this context aims to:

  • Manage the service allowing online payment access when this option is available.

Collection and Retention Period of Personal Data

In accordance with regulations, only data necessary for the aforementioned purposes are processed.

The collected data are retained for a limited and necessary duration for the fulfillment of the purposes mentioned above, generally for the time required for processing your request.

Login information necessary for website improvement and maintaining an appropriate level of security are retained for up to 12 months after collection.

Information necessary for the management of the service allowing online payment access, when this functionality is available, is retained only for the duration of the technical call to this service.

Recipients of Personal Data

For the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, your data may be communicated in whole or in part to:

  • Legally authorized third parties (e.g., police authorities in the context of judicial requisitions);
  • Subcontractors responsible for design, administration, maintenance, and hosting services;
  • Natixis to connect the internet user to their online payment platform, if applicable.

Transfer of Data outside the European Union

Some processing may involve the transfer of personal data to countries whose level of protection is not recognized as equivalent by the European Commission. In the absence of an adequacy decision, this transfer is subject to appropriate safeguards or approved by the European Commission.

Security of Personal Data

The Data Controller is committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of the processed personal data. The Data Controller also ensures the commitment of subcontractors to implement technical and organizational measures to provide an appropriate level of security.

Your Rights

In accordance with regulations, you have the right to access data about yourself. Where applicable, you can request the rectification or erasure of your data, obtain the restriction of processing or object to it for reasons relating to your particular situation. You can also establish directives concerning the retention, erasure, and communication of your personal data after your death.

These rights can be exercised directly with the Data Controller or their Data Protection Officer at the following address:

If, after contacting us, you believe that your rights are not respected, you can lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority, such as the CNIL in France.


Features of Cookies Used on the Website

During your visit to the website, tracking tools may generate and place one or more cookies on your device. They may facilitate your navigation (e.g., remembering your login), generate statistics and audience measurements to improve the website, and enable targeted advertising.

  • Functional cookies are strictly necessary for the provision of services expressly requested by the user and for navigation (e.g., adaptation of the display to your device, language choice, access to a personal space, etc.). They are therefore exempt from the requirement for consent.
  • Analytical cookies allow for the generation of statistics related to the use, overall attendance, and performance of the website for improvement.
  • “Third-party” cookies for sharing content on social networks facilitate the sharing of website content on various social platforms. They are deposited via social network buttons. For more information on the use of your data, we invite you to consult the data protection policies of the relevant social networks.
  • “Third-party” targeting (advertising) cookies allow for personalized advertising content based on your interests.

List of cookies used and/or deposited by our website:

In the context of the implementation of external communication, we use various cookies.

The list of these cookies is accessible from a specific section called "Cookie Management" available at the bottom of each page on this site.

For more information, we invite you to consult the data management policy implemented by each tracking tool (cookies) provider.

Managing Cookies

You can accept, refuse, or express your preferences regarding cookies directly through the information and consent collection banner for cookie placement that appears on your first visit to the site.

This banner is also accessible from a specific "Cookie Management" section available at the bottom of each page on this site. This allows you to review your choices at any time.

Refusing social cookies will prevent any interaction with social networks. Similarly, refusing targeting (advertising) cookies will not allow the display of certain multimedia content.

You can also manage cookies (disable, block, delete) through your browser or device in the "Options" or "Preferences" menu. The procedure is generally described in the "Help" section of your browser.


Policy Updates

This Policy for the Protection of Personal Data may be updated at any time, depending on developments in processing or if required by law.